Rapid Rebuilding Assistance: Powering Your Recovery
Helping businesses impacted by FEMA-declared disasters rebuild quickly with energy efficient solutions.
How does Rapid Rebuilding Assistance work?
TVA EnergyRight® for Business & Industry is now offering Rapid Rebuilding Assistance to commercial and industrial customers through incentive funding for eligible energy replacement projects. This assistance is available for TVA-served counties declared major disaster areas by FEMA. Projects will be expedited so customers can receive critical funds quickly for efficient replacement lighting, HVAC and refrigeration.
Benefits of Rapid Rebuilding Assistance.
Incentives available.
Program eligibility requirements.
Ready to get started?
It just takes a minute to fill out this interest form, and then a representative will help you get started.
Have any questions? We can help.
Our team is ready to answer your questions so you can start rebuilding and saving. Call (866) 233-0450 or email TVABusinessIncentive@tva.gov
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