TVA EnergyRight Quality Contractors Network offers homeowners peace of mind

Dwight Bailey has sat down at many kitchen tables to discuss with potential customers one of the biggest home appliance purchases they may ever make: an HVAC system. HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and it heats homes in the winter and cools them in the summer.
Bailey doesn’t take this part of the job lightly. He spends a couple of hours with each customer, not only learning what they need in a new HVAC, but also getting to know them on a personal level. “I was with one customer who was the secretary to Mamie Eisenhower,” recalls the salesman for City Heating and Air.
A new HVAC can cost a homeowner thousands of dollars, so one of Bailey’s biggest goals is to provide customers peace of mind with their purchase.
“We have a good reputation,” says City Heating and Air owner Mike Davis. “We’ve always tried to put the customers first. We want what’s best for them, not what’s best for us.” Company reputation means quite a bit to Davis. Working with a limited advertising budget, the Knoxville-based company relies on word of mouth, which holds a lot of worth.
Davis regularly puts in 12-hour days, getting into the office around 6 each morning, looking at every service call his team will be working for the day. He flags repeated service calls for possible issues and manages any emergencies that pop up. It’s this attention to detail that garnered City Heating and Air an award for Contractor of Year from TVA EnergyRight® Residential Program for several years. The company is also a legacy contractor with EnergyRight’s Quality Contractor Network.
“I think it holds us to a higher standard,” says Davis.
Training and continuing education
Contractors in TVA EnergyRight’s QCN are provided initial training before joining the network, but the education doesn’t stop there. They receive continuous instruction on an ongoing basis.
“They have a lot of good training. If there is new technology, we can watch videos or take classes on airflow, insulation, air sealing — all the things that affect the homeowner,” says Davis.
About an hour and a half southwest of Nashville, Ray Brewer has been running his HVAC business for nearly 35 years with his son. He’s been part of the QCN for about 20 of those years and says it helped improve his skills over that time. “EnergyRight is very particular about the quality of the work. We had to bring our game up,” says Brewer.
Brewer works closely with Nathan Wagner, an energy specialist at Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative, who oversees the QCN members in his area.
“TVA EnergyRight puts them through a set of standards set forth by the Department of Energy. It provides the best outcomes for our members. They’re getting good, efficient work. We always say we serve our members, not the meter,” says Wagner.
EnergyRight inspection gives customers peace of mind
Once a QCN contractor completes the work, EnergyRight inspects it to ensure it’s done correctly. Wagner is one of the inspectors. “I will check the insulation, heat pumps, whatever it may be to make sure that they meet those standards,” says Wagner.
QCN members must maintain a 96% passing rate. Wagner works with his contractors before his inspection to make sure they provide high-quality work. “I give them all the information they need up front to perform a pre-inspection before I arrive. It ensures they’ve checked all their boxes and done everything they needed. Then when I arrive, I examine their work to make sure they checked all those boxes and to make sure everything is operating correctly.”
Zack Dawson has been with Capitol Window and Door in a sales position for several years and took over as owner in February 2020. The Bowling Green, Kentucky, company has been installing windows for nearly 65 years. “The reason many people purchase windows is because their current windows are wearing out, and they want something that’s efficient and will help them save on their utility bills,” says Dawson.
For the past 10 years, they’ve been installing windows as a TVA EnergyRight-approved and trained contractor. Dawson welcomes the oversight offered by EnergyRight, saying it ultimately benefits his customers. “If you’re the customer, and you’re replacing your windows, why would you not want to have a third party make sure it was done correctly? When I purchase a used car, I take it to a mechanic who does not work at the dealership to inspect it.” For local power companies, the partnership with TVA EnergyRight to offer the QCN helps them when customers reach out with questions. “When customers call and they’re concerned about their energy consumption, it’s already a stressful situation,” says Knoxville Utilities Board spokesperson Stephanie Midgett. “But by guiding them to TVA EnergyRight’s QCN, that’s just an added bonus to provide peace of mind. We know the customers are in good hands, and they’re going to get the results that they desire.”
“Sometimes finding a contractor to do work for you can be a job in itself,” adds Scott Duvall with Warren Rural Electric Co-Op Corporation. “You worry if the person is going to do a good job. Are they going to get me the results I want? When you go through the QCN, you don’t have to worry about that.”
Selecting a contractor for the QCN doesn’t come with any extra cost, but it does come with additional peace of mind. Visit our website to find a TVA-qualified contractor in your area.
More residents can find affordable housing in Oxford, thanks to a partnership with the city, builder, local power company and TVA

The autumn sun rises on a quiet morning in historic Oxford square. Known locally as simply “The Square,” in a matter of hours, this entertainment epicenter will come alive in this small Mississippi town.
The Lafayette County Courthouse, a white, Greek Revival-style building on the National Register of Historic Places, sits at the center of The Square. It is surrounded by modern-day boutiques, restaurants, world-renowned independent bookstores and art galleries.
The dichotomy could be striking, or a representation of what Oxford truly is – a football town with a thriving arts community, the largest university in Mississippi in an area with a large population of retirees, folks buying a second summer home while others struggle to make rent.
Oxford’s Southern charm doesn’t make it immune to a common problem — rising housing prices brought on by an influx of people, mostly students and retirees, wanting a small-town college experience or a relaxed lifestyle post-career. But as new renters and homeowners moved in over the last decade, many of Oxford’s low-income residents were pushed outside the city limits.
“Oxford is an expensive place to live,” says Pam Brown, a resident assistant at North Mississippi Regional Center. “Because of the students, they charge rent by the room. If you pay $500, $600 to $700 a room, that’s $1000 to $1400 dollars a month.” The students Brown is referring to are the nearly 24,000 University of Mississippi students, nearly 75% of whom live off campus.
While affordable housing issues can have myriad causes, Oxford can actually point to one very famous Ole Miss grad whose talents and popularity accidentally fueled housing crisis: Eli Manning.
“Oxford has been a victim of its own success”
If “The Square” is the center of Oxford, The Grove is the heart of Ole Miss’ campus. The large oak, elm and magnolia trees in The Grove are lush, providing shade to students heading to class. But during football season, it’s the place to be for Landshark tailgating.
The New York Times described its allure as “every kind of party you can describe, at once: cocktail party, dinner party, tailgate picnic party, fraternity and sorority rush, family reunion, political handgrab, gala and networking party-hearty — what might have inspired Willie Morris, one of Mississippi’s favorite sons, to declare Mississippi not a state, but a club.”
Oxford nearly doubles in size, to around 50,000, from the time students start their first semester until their final exam. A college football home game pushes the population of Oxford to nearly 200,000. University of Mississippi, often referred to as Ole Miss, plays in one of the toughest conferences in college sports.
“Eli Manning came to the university 18 years ago and all of a sudden there was a resurgence to the old days when his father, Archie Manning, played here,” says TVA employee David Sparks, who has lived in Oxford for several years. “He was the greatest Ole Miss quarterback of all time.”
Eli would step out of his father’s shadow to set 47 school records.
“More fans wanted to buy tickets. That resulted in the stadium being expanded, which meant more people buying second homes and more businesses opening,” says Sparks.
“The thought is, if our biggest complaint is growth, then we should not complain, as many towns would give their right arm to have the same things that we consider as problems,” says current mayor Robyn Tannehill. She says in the last decade, Oxford has grown 23%. “But we also have had challenges along the way.”
“You can easily tell whether the Ole Miss football team won or lost that year, based on home values,” says housing developer Stewart Rutledge. Four years of a winning season sent home prices soaring in the early 2000s, impacting people outside the bright lights of Vaught Hemingway stadium for the next two decades.
“We have an amazing community of writers, artists and musicians from around the world,” says Tannehill. Unfortunately, we are at the point that if you don’t have a low rent district, you don’t have an artists’ district. Oxford has been a victim of its own success in a whole lot of ways.”
While the wins tapered off with Manning’s departure, the spotlight never really left Oxford, as it often found itself on many “best small towns” lists.
But for folks like Martel McEwen, winning seasons and best-of lists mattered very little.
“There are two different Oxfords,” says McEwen, who is currently looking for employment. He grew up in the city all his life and watched the divide between the haves and have-nots grow deeper.
“I have worked many jobs and I found myself working to just be broke.”
“I thought that I would never develop in Oxford”
Tannehill followed a playbook like many in this town – come to Ole Miss for the education, stay in Oxford for the small-town hospitality and affordability. It’s the reason it’s called a “velvet ditch” – a comfortable place that’s hard to leave. After college and marriage, Tannehill was a small business owner active in her community. But she also saw that many people were being priced out of Oxford. Artists, waiters, bartenders and barbers could no longer afford to live in the community where they worked. She became an alderman then ran for mayor three years ago with affordable housing a cornerstone of her campaign.
“We are a tourism community,” says Mayor Tannehill. “Most of the jobs in the hospitality industry are not high paying, so affordable housing becomes a huge issue for us. People invest their heart and soul into this community to make it what it is. We want them to be able to afford to live here as well.”
Ole Miss, the largest employer in Oxford, saw many of their 3000 employees struggle as well. “People want to be part of the communities within which they work,” says Dr. Noel Wilkin, Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. “That’s even more important for an academic institution where we have a community of scholars. The university itself is almost like a little city that operates 24 hours a day. We want people to feel the connection, not only to the institution as an employer, but to the community overall.” Wilkin says everyone from educators to janitors struggle to find affordable housing within Oxford, keeping them from fully being involved in the community.
Tannehill reached out to housing developers like Stewart Rutledge who candidly told her that red tape kept developers from building affordable housing in Oxford.
“I thought that I would never develop in Oxford because for the last at least 10 years, land in Oxford has been exorbitantly expensive,” says Rutledge, owner of Rosedale Corporation. He said the environment started to change five years ago when Mississippi’s Housing Finance Agency changed the funding mechanisms to make purchasing higher price land financially feasible with moderately restricted rents. He also says Mayor Tannehill helped clear any final hurdles.
TVA EnergyRight’s New Homes Program also helped. Offered in partnership with Oxford Utilities, it drives investment in the communities TVA and Oxford Utilities serve by providing incentives for new construction including affordable housing.
“The New Homes program not only gives opportunities for builders and developers, but it can help lower that cost for a family to have a new home. And typically, a new home is the largest single investment a family makes,” says Sparks.
To qualify for incentives, developers must build all electric, energy-saving homes.
“We don’t want our customers’ bills to be so high that they can’t afford to pay their bill,” says Oxford Utilities manager Rob Neely. “So, we would like for the customer to have the energy they want and need and that they can afford. In turn, they can take those savings and make investments, spend money in the community.”
“When we first heard about EnerygRight’s incentives, we thought it was too good to be true, but they do care beyond just running power through the poles,” says Rutledge. “They have partnered with us to make sure our affordable homes have the best chance at surviving because when you’re doing workforce and affordable housing, you need all the help you can get.” Rutledge chose to put the incentives he received from EnergyRight back into maintenance and upkeep of the housing.
Tannehill realizes affordable housing will remain an issue in Oxford long after she leaves office. She’s developed a Vision 2037 plan to hopefully keep Oxford moving in the right direction. “It is the plan that helps us rethink all of our land use, all of our development issues and housing issues. We constantly ask ourselves, ‘What are the things that we treasure most about Oxford? How do we protect those things as we encourage growth?’”
Ole Miss faculty members sit on a housing committee to find innovative solutions, like the conversion of transitional faculty housing into affordable housing. “We worked with the city to find a piece of property, relocated all of those houses into the city, and make them available at affordable rates,” says Wilkin.
“Stewart Rutledge, Mayor Tannehill and TVA EnergyRight have done such a great job of bringing this home to Mississippi to have affordable energy and affordable housing in Oxford,” says U.S. Representative Trent Kelly.
Rutledge has already built two affordable housing properties – Belle Rivers and Eastover, where McEwin and Brown now live. The homes in the communities feature three bedrooms and 2.5 baths, walk-in closets, washer and dryer, carpet and laminate vinyl flooring. There are also clubhouses and playgrounds.
McEwin recently celebrated his 30th birthday in his new home. It’s a far cry, he says, from the days living in his car and taking bird baths.
“I’ve never been prouder of myself than right now. I have this old saying that I’ve always stuck with since I was seven. If tomorrow is going to be just like yesterday, then that means today wasn’t about a thing.”
When she comes home from her shift, Brown can hear the wind chimes and tends to her growing flower bed and sees a future that she didn’t believe could happen.
“I really love my home. I now have something that I can leave my daughter.” Her daughter Precious is attending Mississippi State and comes home on weekends. The mother and daughter lived for nearly two decades in Riverside, a community of subsidized low-rent apartments. Brown says it never truly felt like home.
“My daughter says, ‘I’ve never lived anywhere we have a back door.’ I said, ‘Well, now we’ve got a back door and a two car garage,’” Brown says with a smile.