Back on Track Sweepstakes
The Back on Track Sweepstakes has ended, but it’s always the perfect time to save energy and money! Get started with our free, online DIY Home Energy Assessment. Find out how you can boost your home’s energy efficiency, plus you’ll get an energy-saving kit and a $10 home improvement store gift card.

Finish the assessment. Get fun energy-saving freebies!
Once you complete the DIY Home Energy Assessment, you’ll receive:
- An easy-to-read report with energy-saving recommendations specific to your home
- An energy-saving kit (please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery)
- A $10 home improvement store gift card (please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery)
Resources for all your home energy needs.
Check out these other helpful home energy services.

Home energy rebates
Get better energy efficiency at a better price with money-saving home energy rebates.

Quality Contractor Network
Get access to hundreds of licensed and insured contractors trained to meet TVA's quality guidelines.

Find out if you’re eligible to finance home energy upgrades, like a new HVAC system.